Cypress mountain anniversary pictures

Winter theme portraits with out the snow.
Hi guys, so this is Christmas time portrait session of T+L at the Cypress Mountain from past week. There is no snow for 2015-2016 season available so we had to find a theme which was not white flakes :). These guys were our wedding couple couple seasons back and this anniversary portraits is their idea and I have to admit I love. Their wedding took place at really scenic Furry creek country club and no wonder they preferred nature theme again. I love Cypress bowl for skiing myself so when I drove my Subaru up there I was shocked to see there was no snow. The kids were tubing on something manmade which could be called snow porridge mixed of dirt and frozen ice cubs 🙂 but… you get the idea of melting choice bar on your shirt yeah..? So, luckily for us, guys were this time interested only in close portraits with that much scenery and we did exactly that. So if you are looking for a really scenic view in this post, simply scroll to the last image right now :). Enjoy
We could not be happier about the day. It was freaking cold, but the soft light of the sun disappearing in the clouds above the Howe sound was really great and T+L handled the cold heroically. At least the Mount Baker had the snow in the far background for our final shot of the day. Thank you and next year we could go Nepal, there should be plenty of the white stuff during the Xmas 🙂