Crazy Lighthouse cliffs engagement fun pictures
Why cool sunsets attract freaking mosquitos.

Best fun engagement pictures with a twist of a runaway bride to be from FREAKING mosquitos. Now that would be also another great title for this portrait session at Light House park in West Vancouver. Sometimes you get everything line up so perfect then even the worst nightmare does not stop you or your clients in accomplishing what you were after. This was the case. Jacqueline and Tai dreamed to have their fun engagement portrait pictures taken somewhere close to a scenic ocean beach views. With approaching fall, we managed to narrow the selections down to couple spots. Then based on the best possible sunset location from those we chosen Light house park. I should probably stop talking about this place. I had 4 sessions just this year here. Luckily weather and the couples are always unique every-time I come here :). And there was something else here I will have to mention. When the right time comes.
Splashing salty water and T+J having a great time. The tide was pretty high and a boat passing by created waves which made them look like Robinson’s on a lost island. And when the golden hour sun felt behind the horizon a soft kissing light made this place magic.
Guys were just relaxing and enjoying a moment together.
Emotions mixed with crazy cool scenery. To sparkle it up I then just teased the bride to be to bite the man ear. No kidding, she went for that instant moment 🙂 Sorry Tai!
Guys were awesome. It was getting dark so quickly though. And then the magic happened. One of the most vibrant sunsets you can wish for.
And here comes the worst nightmare from the beginning of this story. The cool amazing sunset woke up nasty hungry freaking mosquitos! Poor Jacqueline, her body got covered with them in a minute. We had pants but she had dress and no sleeves. I felt really sorry. You know what the brave girl did, she just went with it. The story they will remember for ever. Just seeing 20 mosquitos on her ankles at the same time was sending us shivers down by spines. Thank you Jacqueline for being brave and fearless, just look at these sunsets pictures 🙂
Amazing attitude and the results are as you can see. Guys rocked the place, and we pretty much finished with the dark dusk sky and last orange colours on the horizon to saying bye to us.
Thank you J+T for being so patient and the images I have created for you will last you forever. I am looking forward to photograph your big day next year. And there is no doubt you will have some amazing story from it. And here is the last visitor to our photo shoot a bat who flew over us till we vanished on a dark trail in the bushes.
Amazing day!
One response to “Crazy Lighthouse cliffs engagement fun pictures”
Now I have never photographed here in winter with a snow theme around. Anyone interested? Could be a great fun project for a winter wedding day 🙂 Enjoy